
  • Remove the fbjs dependency by inlining some helpers from it (#194))


  • Fix an issue where outdated BSD license headers were still present in the published bundle #162


  • Switch from BSD + Patents to MIT license
  • Add PropTypes.exact, like PropTypes.shape but warns on extra object keys. (@thejameskyle and @aweary in #41 and #87)


  • Fix a false positive warning when using a production UMD build of a third-party library with a DEV version of React. (@gaearon in #50)


  • Add loose-envify Browserify transform for users who don’t envify globally. (@mridgway in #45)


  • Limit the manual PropTypes call warning count because it has false positives with React versions earlier than 15.2.0 in the 15.x branch and 0.14.9 in the 0.14.x branch. (@gaearon in #26)


  • Critical Bugfix: Fix an accidental breaking change that caused errors in production when used through React.PropTypes. (@gaearon in #20)
  • Improve the size of production UMD build. (@aweary in 38ba18 and 7882a7)


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.

  • Reduce the size of the UMD Build. (@acdlite in 31e9344)
  • Remove bad package url. (@ljharb in 158198f)
  • Remove the accidentally included typechecking code from the production build.


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.

  • Remove the accidentally included React package code from the UMD bundle. (@acdlite in df318bb)


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.

  • Remove dependency on React for CommonJS entry point. (@acdlite in cae72bb)


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.

  • Remove accidental uncompiled ES6 syntax in the published package. (@acdlite in e191963)


Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 15.5.7 or higher.

  • Initial release.

Before 15.5.0

PropTypes was previously included in React, but is now a separate package. For earlier history of PropTypes see the React change log.